Garden and nature preserve building

  • Vasárnap, 2022. április 17. 11:00

  • Szeszgyár utca, 1086 Budapest
  • Szeszgyár
  • Ingyenes


Segíts, hogy a varázslatos Szeszgyár egy hangulatos térré alakuljon az emberek, növények, bogarak, madarak és más fajok számára egyaránt!

Help the magical Szeszgyar land transform into a cozy space for plants, people, insects, birds and many other species alike.

With the participation of so many of you, they have already created a lake, a shading roof, many many garden beds and tended to the ‘grasslands’. Last year’s festivals, concerts, movie nights and countless events filled the garden with fun but there is still a lot left to do!
Despite these gloomy times, join in making this garden a kinder place for all.

Practically, you can help with the following things:
Create herb garden beds or a mushroom bed
Plant seeds
Cut grass
Paint garden furniture
Build garden furniture
Sew covers for vegetable crates to use as seat
Help build our next shading roof
OR if you have a project idea, something else you would like to offer to the space, let them know!